We were talking the other night and I asked him about an update. He says he is at the Y every day because that is the place to be. He exercises as part of living a fun, healthy life. He still likes the rowing machine for basic cardio.
And, he told me that while he does not like it a lot he uses the shoulder machine because it helps him keep his range of motion and so he has branched out. One of the benefits of working at the YMCA in Hartsville is that everyone is willing to help out everyone with advice. I am not sure buy Willie probably asked Robbie McLendon about shoulder movement and Robbie probably recommended the pull down. And, is you want more information on working out after a "certain age" you might want to try Go4Life.https://go4life.nia.nih.gov

Willie is one of my role models. He is one I expect to see at the weight room three to five nights a week. While exercise may not exactly be the Fountain of Youth -- I watch Willie use it to stay fit and that is the role model I want to follow.