Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Working out keeps him feeling young



 60 is the new 40

“I do pray that I continue to feel as young as I do,” says Jerome Graham in between sets of 10 reps of 25 lb barbell curls. The 61-year-old works out four or more days every week so he can represent the meaning of a common meme in today’s world,  “60 is the new 40.” 

During his workouts he stays focused moving consistently and quickly among his various exercises efficiently getting in as much of a workout he can in his limited time in the gym.  While Jerome is retired from a 30-year military that combined active duty, National Guard and Army Reserves, he will be celebrating a 40-year anniversary with UPS next June. So he schedules most of his Hartsville YMCA workouts in between his overnight driving as a UPS feeder driver inside South Carolina with his daytime sleep and all the others jobs of regular living

Life-long fitness focus

Jerome has been staying physically active in sports and recreational activities for pretty much his entire life – at least since he first went out for the Rosenwald High School (Society Hill) junior varsity team when he was in the seventh grade back in the mid-1970s.  While he has crossed the 60-year mark his workouts will challenge the majority of thirty, forty and fifth year olds.  “My goal is to stay fit so that I can stay healthy,” says Jerome. And, his philosophy and his work has been paying off as he follows some personal rules about seeing his doctors regularly, watching his diet, getting plenty of exercise and trying to get plenty of sleep.  “My health is one of my top priorities because it helps me ensure I can take care of those other priorities like my family,” he says.

So, where is the motivation coming from?

It also does not take too long into a conversation about lifting and working out before it is obvious that even though his competition may be mostly with himself, Jerome is competitive. “One of my early motivations for getting and staying in shape was so that I would score 300 on the Army PFT. The 300 is the top score and was always his goal. One of the few times in his life when he was not working out as often as he wanted has been the most recent pandemic, which closed the Y and other workout opportunities. 

Bench pressing is probably Jerome’s favorite heavy weight exercise. “I am now trying to get back where I was and it taking longer than I might like,” he notes.  Before the pandemic we was benching 205 in three sets of five. Being away from the regular lifting for several works he is now working back toward 205 by benching 185 in two sets of ten. If your watch him work you would know it will not be much longer before he is back.  “For me, weight lifting is about as much psychological as it is physical,” observes Jerome. He says there is a great deal of personal satisfaction and personal comfort in knowing that he is doing his part to take care of his body and his health.

He is long-term YMCA member

Jerome has a family membership at the Hartsville Y and he has been a member since the Y moved into its present location in the former Coker Department Store in downtown Hartsville. And one of the benefits he enjoys about this membership is getting to know and make connections with people from all over the community.

 He is a self-proclaimed sports fanatic and can often be heard discussing the merits  of professional, college and high school teams and athletes. He is a long-time Pittsburgh Steeler fan in the NFL and he may run into a little problem with who to cheer for with Clemson and Carolina as his son  Desmond is getting ready to graduate from USC and he just took his daughter Alyiah to Clemson a few days ago.  His oldest daughter, Lenesha earned her medical coding  Associates Degree at Florence-Darlington Tech.  He and his wife Jenelle and their family live in the Dovesville Community of Darlington County.

He is inspiring and also a mentor

In addition to talking sports, Jerome can often be heard answering questions from younger guys who are interested in his time in the Military or sharing stories with other veterans. While he did not serve overseas, he was mobilized as an Army Reserve training evaluator for an extended period of service in January 2003 as part of “Iraqi-Freedom.”

So, while Jerome says it is in his DNA to work out and stay in physical shape he also takes advantage of the social connection that can also become part of the overall YMCA experience and fitness experience.  “It is important to me to be in the gym because working out keeps me physically strong and mentally strong.”

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Bootfit Inspiration Up and Down the Climbing Rope With Magic 74



Bruce Hoffman had a birthday the other day (9/14/20) and to celebrate Robbie McLendon came up with a special “74” workout for the day’s YMCA Bootfit Class. And as those who know Bruce for his physical abilities, they will not be surprised at the way he inspired others in these for time reps.  And, you might also not be surprised to note that he went up the 20 footrope three times to warm up for the “74”, which no one else doing this workout did that day.  In fact, a couple of days before turning 74 Bruce set sort of a PR by during 20 trips up and down the rope in about thirty minutes. Try that some time – no matter your age or physical prowess.


For lots of people who are involved in their physical journey at the Hartsville YMCA and particularly in Robbie’s Bootfit, Bruce is a daily role model for what you can do well beyond things you ever thought your body could do.  And, Bruce has been making a life of being physically fit since he was about 15 when he started running in his hometown of New York City. He learned to swim around the age of six at Camp Chipinaw in the Catskills of New York.  And he can still be seen doing swimming in the Hartsville YMCA pool these days as part of his multi-pronged, multi-activity approach to his life-long fitness regime.


Bruce enjoyed those early years of running and became very involved in the sport helping him accumulate more than 20 marathons at the peak of his running career between 1977 and 1992. His best time was 3:30 at one of his two marathons in Baltimore, Maryland. Those marathons include an unofficial run in Boston in 1977, four NYC Marathons, seven in Charlotte and others in Frederick, MD, Columbia, SC, Long Island, Hinsdale, Illinois. And to demonstrate that his versatility has been pretty much a career he remembers a 70 mile bike ride from Bayside Queens to East Hampton, Long Island when he was about 20.  He thinks he might have gotten in shape for that as he was doing 30-mile training runs with a buddy of his, Larry Cunningham.


It was a little later in life, however, that he adopted a working out for life practice to honor Dennis, his brother,  who  died from diabetes at the age of 42 in 1982. Dennis, who was four years older than Bruce, had a serious fall from a horse at the same summer camp that severely injured his pancreas and caused the diabetes that required daily insulin. But, persistence in a Hoffman characteristic and Dennis was an all-around athlete playing baseball, basketball and running.  Bruce adopted his “working out thing” as a way to keep his brother’s memory alive. 

Bruce had another reason for staying at the physical activity to keep himself healthy because in 1985 he was diagnosed with celiac disease that altered his eating habits.


While he is not one to offer un-asked for advice you will find that if you do ask how you or someone else might get into this lifestyle he will first tell you to “start slowly.” His reason for that being number one on the list is because he says the most important thing for all of us is “to keep at it no matter how you fee. You will feel better after the workout.  He will tell you not to worry about seeing someone do things you cannot now do – like scamper up a climbing rope, but to concentrate on what you might do and Start now!  Another thing he will probably mention is that he finds himself a creature of habit and the habit of the YMCA Bootfit classes with the camaraderie of working out with others and basking “Robbie Motivation” make it easier to keep it going day by day. Bruce is a veteran of the United States Army having served from 1969 to 1971 as a medic.  He is retired and during his career he was working for ESAB Welding in Connecticut  and they offered him a transfer to their Florence, SC plant in 1989. He lived in Florence for about 10 years and then after marrying his wife Bonnie,  he moved to her hometown of McBee where they now reside. And just so you know he has lot more to do than just work out, he was a couple of minutes late for this birthday workout because he had to get their lawn mowed before heading into town.  In addition to the YMCA workouts, Bruce can be found splitting wood and doing pull-ups on his McBee property; daily home exercising that keeps him primed for the rope climbing.


Now, back to that Birthday workout designed by Robbie to celebrate Bruce’s 74th birthday, "Bruiser 74"
Let's celebrate the birthday of a humble but tough as nails 74 year old that we all love and respect!!!! Bruce "The Bruiser " Hoffman!!!!
Reps can be broken up as needed!!!

For time
74 box jumps (step ups)
74 jumping pull ups(bent rows)
74 kb swings
74 walking lunges (el)
74 knees to elbows (toes to box)
74 push presses
74 back ext
74 wall ball
74 burpees
74 double unders
222 singles

Cash out (optional)
74 ft of rope climbs

 Bruce had an elapsed time of just over 50 minutes for the birthday Bruiser bash.


Bruce Hoffman has been a long-term YMCA member, having joined first in 1974 at the Vanderbilt YMCA in New York City and then having memberships in Chicago, Connecticut and Florence. He joined the Hartsville Y in 2010. And, not many remember that YMCA’s used to offer affordable short-term rooms in many cities and Bruce even lived at the Y in Hollywood for a time in 1971. 

He spent a 26-year career primarily in credit and collections with Union Carbide in NYC, Cherry Hill NJ, Chicago Illinois Danbury Ct and Florence SC. He then spent seven more years from 2007 to 2014 with Sonoco in Hartsville.

Bruce will tell you that Bonnie is his biggest fan but if you visit the Y when he there you will find there a lot of other hard-working athletes of ages hoping that someday they can be in the shape that Bruce is at the young age of 74.