I have identified as a physical fitness person for a lot of years. For example, at one point in my life I did have a running streak of more than 10 years without missing a day (10 years, two months and 12 days). And, I have said it before, each of those days was a conscious effort. And, some times these days as my body does not always have a great desire to be pushed, I notice that fitness for some of us requires motivation.
1 -- One of the ways I get motivation is heading to a bootfit class at the Hartsville YMCA that is headed by Robbie McLendon -- a great motivator for people of all ages and all fitness levels. He has a 20 minute EMOM workout planned today that I know is going to kick my butt.
2 -- Another way I work to get some motivation is read about some of the good ideas for fitness in older individuals. I try to write a periodic blog that show cases people over 60 who work out regularly and I do that because I see it as motivating to others. This morning on Medium there was an article investigating the question of weight training being important to older people: https://medium.com/in-fitness-and-in-health/is-muscle-training-really-important-for-aging-well-d4d58880012
3 -- Now, what do you do that gets you the motivation to do the hardest exercise of the say - put on the work out shoes and leave the house?