Sunday, June 29, 2008

This strategy is not working

Back in March I began this blog as an attempt to motivate myself to get to the YMCA gym more regularly. It seems to be working the reverse. Motivation is a problem. I just don't seem to have "it" anymore for pushing around the weights. In fact, I have not been able to push myself out for more than five walks a week and that is not a good trend. So, let's see if restarting the blog will have any influence on changing this situation.

One reason I thought I would start back is an article that was published in the June 24 edition of the NEW YORK TIMES by Jane E. Brody. The title of the article was "Fit, Not Frail: Exercise as a Tonic for Aging.",%20Not%20Frail:%20

Brody began with the interesting and amazing statistic that every hour of every day, 330 Americans turn 60. Well, that happened to me on January 1, 2007.

I have begun a program and would still consider myself a very active person but I continue to underline the fact that exercise is a daily decision, no matter how long I have been doing it, and as much as I often really enjoy it, an exercise regime has never become habitual.

Brody has a very detailed article and she recommends

That organization has guidelines for physical activity for those who are new to exercise. Anyway, her article is filled with ideas about getting with the program. What are you waiting for, get off line and onto the treadmill. Go, Now!