Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wonder if age has anything to do with it?

Mostly, I think it is just being a bit lazier than I have any right to be but the last several weeks have not been stellar in the working out area. But, daylight savings time ended today and I was on the road for four miles this morning. See if we can keep this up.

At Church today Robbie McLendon was basking in a third place finish in a 10K yesterday. Robbie has passed 50 but is burning up the roads. He told me he finished the first mile in 5:51. That is amazing. He is also on a running streak and has not missed a day in several years. This afternoon he is heading out for a 15-miler.

I have to get back into a routine because I have to start lifting again and quit using the night classes as an excuse not to be in the gym,