Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Keep Reminding Yourself - Motion is Lotion

 Exercise is one of the most potent medicines that people who are aging can take for their overall health. (By the way -- ALL of us who can read this are aging.)  And, for those who have aged a little more than others it continues to be far more true than we might like.

So, in this case the blog is to remind me that despite sore knees it is important to get out and walk or to get to F3 or Robbie's Bootfit class at the YMCA to make those muscles work.  Yesterday, for only the second or third time this year, I got to an F3 workout. We call this workout Revolution because instead of being at 5:30 a.m. it is at 5:30 p.m. and the guys were nice enough to let me hang out for a pretty challenging 45 minute workout.  I am too slowly getting back into a workout routine. 

Head took this photo that included Scout and Powder Boy and then me, Radar. I have missed that peer -led working and it was fun to be back. It was a blue sky afternoon though the breeze did keep us from overheating but it was nice to be outside without the continuing rain we have been not so much enjoying.

This morning looking at my email inbox I discovered a new publication from the NIA and it has to do with excercising for older people. The publication is free:

This blog is often a story of people who have reached the aging process talking about their workouts. I hope to share several more of those soon.  As it turns out, at the end of the Revolution workout on Tuesday afternoon we were talking about a Hartsville legendary runner, Arnold Floyd who is now ranking second in his age group 75+ in the state of South Carolina.  Sometimes it is fun to see how others do this "exercise thing" to keep their bodies moving.