Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hot Outside - Drink Water

Heat in the summer is what the summer is about.

You do not want or need to use heat as an excuse not to be exercising.  You do need to use the idea of heat to remind you that staying hydrated is important to your health overall and particularly during a hot exercise day.

I am not a good water drinker.  I am trying to mend my ways. One of the reason's for today's blog is to give myself another accountability lever to drink more water. Now, you all know I am not good at it and I want to get better. It is public, My hope is the public goal statement will make a difference in the private behavior.

So, what difference does it make to stay hydrated.  It can have some positive effect on losing or maintaining weight -- at least according to a recent study.

Keep a glass or a bottle of water handy and see what better hydration might do for your exercise.