Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thinking About Exercise...

...is, I am afraid, just about all I have been doing about exercise the past two weeks. While I am getting up many days for a four-mile morning walk, I have been missing the time spent iron pumping and and heart pumping at the YMCA. You can fill in all the normal excuses, with the night class being my major fall back but the truth is I just have not been doing it.

There is more than a little guilt in the above admission, because I know maintaining and improving strength as well as endurance is a key to not getting as old as the calendar might proclaim. So, maybe a little public confession here will help me regain the focus I had. The books talk about a lot of strategies for maintaining health, fitness and sharpness and the primary strategy is totally encompassed in the Nike slogan -- "Just do it." When you stop doing, whatever it is you are doing, the regression is much more rapid than the progression and makes those efx hills that much steeper the next time around.

While walking under the moon and stars this morning, just as the birds began to sing, I admonished myself to find a way to jump start and I hope this is the first step.

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