Thursday, July 17, 2008

Motivation still not kicking in

Great news from Rome, New York. LeRyiah and Russ welcomed Ruby into the world at 11:55 p.m. last night. My brother Mark, the new grandfather, and sister-in-law Debbie, the new grandmother, are excited at these new roles.

What does that have to do with this blog? There should be many reasons for getting and staying and shape. The chief reason is that we all know that if you do what you should in the gym you build up your energy and enjoy more zest in regular activities -- like playing with new babies. In talks I am having with myself I am noticing the lack of energy and motivation and are beginning to wonder if the very FACT that I am not darkening the doors of the Y gym might not be the exact CAUSE of the lack of energy and motivation.

I think it is time to experiment or do some researh - as we like to say at the college. So, I hope the next post notes that the Y has again become part of the regular activities and I can report on the effect it has on the energy and motivation level.

1 comment:

  1. Right now, I love this post because it is exactly where I am at. By reading this post, I realized that my motivation could come from anything in my life. Thank you for this blog. I like it even if I am not 60 yet.
