Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Lunges kill my knees (so if I want, I modify)

There are people at the Hartsville YMCA who sometimes cringe when I saunter over to talk because they know I am about to proselytize for the #Bootfit class organized and taught by Robbie McLendon.  

 leg lifts times ten, push ups times ten, lunges times ten and 100 meters backward run in a 20 minute AMRAP

Bootfit works.

It is high intensity with barely time to breathe.

Bootfit works everything nearly every day -- but in a wide variety of ways.

Bootfit is for the fit and flat and Bootfit is for the new-gym type who may be rounder.

What makes Bootfit work? The bootfitter.  Bootfit does not work for those not there.

Bootfit does not work for those looking to check a box but not stress, strain or sweat. Bootfit works for those who work Bootfit.

As a person who is striving for more connection among and between individuals of all demographics Bootfit works because a seventy year old can move and a 20 year old can move -- maybe not with the same speed or grace or force but each can make it work for them. And, for example, at Bootfit most of us could learn a great deal about form from April whose lunges touched the floor, whose leg lifts were vertical and whose movements kept flowing not stopping and starting. A beauty of Bootfit that we have a lot to learn and adapt from each other.

Robbie, who is no spring chicken himself, works hard to come up with interesting workouts that give you a daily challenge that will often have you question his ongoing mantra - "We can do this." But you can do it -- if not the first day, the second or the third or... Give yourself a 2020 present now and be amazed at the difference you see in 2021.  A mantra for those of us over the 60 or higher mark is 'motion is lotion' and Bootfit helps us provide some structure motion to the workout day.

Don't miss this

An 81 year old sets a record for the plank at ten minutes and he lost some of his power lifting records to an 84 year old. Goals are not just for the young.  This Medium article is lot of fun and I encourage any relating to older people to read this article and share some of that motivation.  I think it is knowing that it can be done by hearing other people are doing it that can sometimes make us get out of the chair and head to the Y for the hardest of the exercises - opening the door and walking to the weight room

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